Hardscrabble´s Kaotic Kosmos
Can MH, Am/Can WCX, Am/Can ***


MH means he has a Master Hunter title. See below about the MH.
WCX - Working Certificate Excellent
The *** denotes that he is all-age qualified
[this means he has placed 1 or 2nd at a Qualifying field trial –
in fact he has placed 1
st in  1 US and 1 Canadian trial.)

.    Click on the thumbnails below for larger version of pics - Pictures curtesy of Chris Butler - www.gondolinretrievers.com

Accomplishments – he is the only living Flatcoat with all-age points – this means he has placed in  a major field trial –
An Amateur 3rd and 4th and 2  JAMS one in Amateur and 1 in Open . He has a Canadian MH [Master Hunter]  title, is one leg short of his US MH.

.    He has won the FCRSA field trial trophy [awarded to the dog with the most field trial points in a given year] 3 years in a row
this despite the fact that his Canadian  accomplishments earned only half the number of points as they would have if  they were US points.

.     Has recently earned his CD title [ first level of obedience – passing scores in 3 tests – all of which after he retired from field at age 10) – he is now working on his CDX

Show – was best puppy in Specialty in 2001 – have shown him sporadically with best result BOS - since then  with little success – he is mainly a field dog.

.   Personality: extremely gentle, non-aggressive [has never been in a dog fight – will just turn away from aggression], eager to please, very biddable.

Traits: A superb marker – really outstanding – and marking is of primary importance here where  a typical trial will have 3 or 4 bird stations at  300 to 400 meters with  one or two retired [hiding after the throw] Extreme birdiness/drive. He really, really wants to retrieve  and to do those long /difficult marks – this is what is needed.

3 of 5 pups from his breeding with Ping [the last FCR field trial champion here in Canada] are in the US Hall of Fame [need  show, field and obedience points to  qualify] Ivy  my pup form that litter doesn’t have the show points  because I mainly don’t care about show anymore.
GCH CH Wynflat's Iceman, UD, MH, AXJ, WCX, HOF, owned by Carol Wooley]   is the breed’s first Grand Champion and probably the first Flat-Coat Grand Champion who is Master Hunter and so far as we can tell the first of any retriever breed to be a Grand Champion + Master Hunter. Taz, [Hardscrabble’s Taz of Wynflat, owned by Debbie Brooks) has a MACH3 in Agility, did well in field [had won several Qualifying trials] and has  an OTCH [high level obedience title] Poet [Wynflat’s All out Rhyme Master, owned by Dan Wegner) has a lot of obedience and show  accomplishments and has sired  some good dogs as well.
Ann´s Ivy is still running field trials [has had 2 litters] and at age 8 is still competitive.

3 generations - picture taken 2010

Left to right:
Ivy [daughter] Kaos[granddaughter] and Kosmo]
Ancestors: Kosmo is a Hardscrabble dog. Hardscrabble is THE main field line that Margot Brown single handedly kept field ability in the FCR alive in. She has bred  or  her dogs are featured in the pedigree of almost all dogs who have had any success in field.  
There are several field trial champions in the Hardscrabble line
 [a really rare and unique feat – there have only been 4  Canadian field trial champions and 1 US field trial champion in the entire history of the breed]
3 of the 4 Canadian field champions were Hardscrabble dogs.
Picture to the left: When  Kosmo and two of his littermates qualified all-age at a specialty

Left to right – Priscilla Johnson  with Demon, Doris Eheret with Tag and Ann with Kosmo – he was about 8 years  then

"Kosmo" is all-age Qualified in both the US and Canada [one of only 3 living flat-coats with this distinction] A very sweet-natured, smaller dog with a very compact body, he is exceptionally talented in the field. One of the few flat-coats to earn Derby points, he has qualified for 4 nationals and has numerous placings in both US and Canada, winning a Qual. in Canada at just 15 months. He is an outstanding marker, very biddable, and has lots of courage and loads of drive. He has the following placings:
  • 3rd place - Amateur - PEI Retriever Club - June 2008
  • 4th place - Amateur - Montreal Retriever Club - May 2006
  • 1st place - Specialty Qualifying - June 2007
  • 2nd Place - Colonial Retriever Club - September 2006
  • 1st place - Sunpoke Hunting Retriever Club, Ripples, NB - June 15, 2002
  • 3rd place - Ottawa Retriever Club, Ottawa, ON, Sept 3, 2002
  • Reserve CM - PRTA - Boston, GA, March 1, 2003 [55 starters]
  • 4th place - Jacksonville Retriever Club, Williston, FL, March 21, 2003 [31 starters]
  • 3rd place - Colonial Retriever Field Trial Club, Halifax, MA, May 3, 2003-
  • 2nd place - 2003 National Specialty, Elkton, Maryland, May 10, 2003 [12 starters]
  • 3rd place - Ottawa Retriever Club, Ottawa, ON, Sept 2, 2004
  • 2nd place - Women's Field Trial, Madison , Fl. March 2003 [36 starters]
